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Free Phone Calls With EvaPhone

Written By Unknown on Monday, 14 January 2013 | 16:32

EvaPhone is one of several ways to make free Internet phone callsand is especially useful for making calls to nearly any phone in the entire world.
With no registration or software to worry about, EvaPhone is a very easy way to make free phone calls online.

Types of Free Calls With EvaPhone:

EvaPhone can be used to make free PC to phone calls.

How To Use EvaPhone:

To make a free call with EvaPhone, you first have to visit their website "-
Its AN offer yopu u so click above
Once there, choose the country associated with the phone number you're dialing. The country code will automatically be inserted, after which you should enter the phone number you'd like to make the free call to. Finally, click the phone icon.
A short video advertisement will appear. When it's over, you'll see "Calling...""Ringing..." and then "Call is scheduled to end in:" behind the video. Feel free to close the video when it's complete to get a better look at these messages in the background.

EvaPhone Free Call Limits:

Free calls made with EvaPhone are severely limited, based on the free call's destination. You can talk for free to some locations for as little as ten seconds while calls to some other locations are allowed to last as "long" as one minute.
You can see the complete list of free call destinations and respective durations here.
When the free call time is over, you'll be automatically disconnected. You're also limited to only two free calls per day with EvaPhone.

EvaPhone Review:

EvaPhone is certainly unique and it's very easy to use. Obviously, a free ten second, or even one minute, call isn't worth much unless you can speak very quickly or have very little to say.
If you want to call the US or Canada, Google Voice or iCall are better options. If you want to call most major countries, and have an existing telephone, Freebuzzer is a better bet than EvaPhone.
However, if you don't have a phone, and you want to call nearly any other locale on the planet, give EvaPhone a try.
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