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Test your Antivirus is working or not

Written By Unknown on Sunday, 17 June 2012 | 12:46

The process is called EICAR Test whick will work on any antivirus and was developed by European Institute of Computer Antivirus Research.
The process can be used by ppl to test proper functioning of the antivirus/antimalware software to deal with real computer virus which can cause damage to Computer.
Now its time to test your's, follow the steps:
1.Open a Notepad and copy and paste the code exactly onto it and save the notepad


2.Rename the file as eicar.com
3.Now run the antivirus scan on this file.

If the antivirus is functioning properly on your computer then it shud generate a warning and immediately delete the file upon scanning otherwise you may have to re install your antivirus.
Note: Most antivirus will pop out a warning message in step 2.
How it Works:
The file is a legitimate DOS program, and produces sensible results when run (it prints the message "EICAR-STANDARD-ANTIVIRUS-TEST-FILE!").It is also short and simple it consists entirely of printable ASCII characters, so that it can easily be created with a regular text editor. Any anti-virus product that supports the EICAR test file should detect it in any file providing that the file starts with the following 68 characters, and is exactly 68.
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1 comment:

  1. Excellent information. I am going to test my new Antivirus. But we should also know how an antivirus eliminates viruses.


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