1. Go to “run”.
2. Type “msconfig” in run.
3. Go to start up. 4. Disable all startup items except antivirus
Prefetch files:
1. Go to run.
2. Type prefetch.
2. Type “msconfig” in run.
3. Go to start up. 4. Disable all startup items except antivirus
Prefetch files:
1. Go to run.
2. Type prefetch.
3. Delete all files.
Visual effects:-
the setting in performance then choose the option ”custom”.
Another way:-
1. Go to my computer.
2. Right click on c:// drive. Click on properties
Visual effects:-
1. Right click “my computer” >system proporties> advanced settings
2. Then click on the setting in performance then choose the option ”custom”.
Another way:-
1. Go to my computer.
2. Right click on c:// drive. Click on properties
3. Choose the option defragment now.
Remove the virus from the pc using antiviruses
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